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OrgChem101 is a set of organic chemistry learning modules that provide structured guidance as you (the student) explore organic chemistry concepts. They are free of charge to students and instructors everywhere.

The modules provide metacognitive support, interactive instructional videos, animations, and interactive activities that promote the mastery of concepts, provide feedback, and link to real-world contexts.

Learning modules of OrgChem101

Organic Nomenclature logo

Organic Nomenclature

Learn to identify functional groups, and name and draw molecules.

  • Design your own quiz from a database of over 900 questions.
  • Practice naming and drawing complex molecules on your computer.
  • Identify functional groups inside molecules.
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Organic Mechanisms logo

Organic Mechanisms

Master the electron-pushing arrows and symbols used to describe reaction mechanisms.

The goal of this module is to use and interpret the electron-pushing formalism (curved arrows) that chemists use to describe, predict, and explore reaction mechanisms. Unfamiliar reactions are used as examples so that students can carefully analyze molecular changes without relying on familiarity with reactions. We explain, demonstrate, and give opportunities to practice specific strategies to master this formalism.

Doing this module, you will:

  • Assess your knowledge and make a study plan (metacognition).
  • View interactive instructional videos.
  • Try the practice activities.
  • Complete the pre and post-tests to track your learning.
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Acid–base reactions logo

Acid–base Reactions

Acid–base chemistry is everywhere. Master the key concepts here.

The goal of this module is to build up your knowledge and skills of acid–base chemistry in a stepwise fashion. The learning outcomes build to the kind of knowledge and skills you need to analyze more advanced reactions, the majority of which require acid–base knowledge.

  • Assess your knowledge and make a study plan (metacognition).
  • View interactive instructional videos.
  • Try the practice activities.
  • Complete the pre and post-tests to track your learning.
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