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Please review the listed FAQs first and submit any feedback using our feedback and error reporting form.

Frequently-asked questions (FAQ)

Where do I start?

You must register (set up an account) and log in to access the learning modules.

How do I register/log-in?

To start one of the modules, you will need to register. Click on the ‘register’ button in the main menu at the top of the site and provide your email (to validate your account), a username (your choice of characters and numbers), and a password.

How much does it cost? is available free of charge.

How do I use Marvin JS?

Please refer to the Marvin JS userguide.

What info is tracked?

We use non-identifying information collected via Google Analytics and site statistics to better design our website and improve educational content. Research may be done at some point in the future to advance research in chemistry education, but this will only occur with your explicit and informed consent. Cookies must be enabled to use this website and utilize the features it provides. They are also used to analyse usage of the website.